Friday, October 27, 2006

Mayan prophecies

A Google search reveals scores of Web sites devoted to prophecies of the ancient Maya regarding the end of their calendar in 2012. Some are fear-based, some are hopeful. The date is only five years off, so many of us will be around to see for ourselves what comes down.
Interestingly, many East Indians believe that the current age of Kali Yuga will also end in 2012. Hmm.
But, why wait for a predicted event to occur? If you're interested in seeing the current world of wars, diseases, dysfunction, greed and corruption come to an end, get busy and do something about it. As my book "In Search of a Perfect World" documents, predicted events have come and gone for thousands of years with no significant change. Will 2012 be any different?
For updated views on Mayan prophecies in relation to current events, go to:



At 1:17 PM, Blogger Citizen Deux said...

SO do you subscribe to Calleman's theories or not? Judging by your posts and links it is hard to tell.

At 11:23 AM, Blogger Michael C. Sullivan said...

I find his research to be very thorough and his observations interesting, but I don't agree with all of his conclusions. I prefer to leave it to others to decide for themselves. I do, however, feel that a major shift in human consciousness is underway that will dramatically alter the course of events. The 2006 election is one manifestation of it.

At 10:59 AM, Blogger Citizen Deux said...

I disagree almost categorically with his work, but you are entitled to your opinion. I recommend Sagan's Demon Haunted World as a better text to highlight human potential.

I rather think the 2006 election is a reflection of the GOP screwing up.

At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

by Mitch Battros – ECM/ECTV

I just received a phone call from Carlos Barrios, Mayan Elder of the 'Clan de Aguila' (Eagle clan). We had a brief conversation of what is to come; both in the ways of a movie being discussed on the Maya, but also of Mayan Prophecy and what the elders have recently said.

Dan Hennah, Set Director and, Carla Fry, Production Manager of “The Lord of the Rings” has recently been in talks with Carlos to produce a film on the “real” Maya culture and people. Carlos tells me the most motivating issue was the deception portrayed by the recent Mel Gibson movie “Apocalypto”. Carlos tells me the Mayan people are very angry over the historical distortion of the ancient Maya.

Carlos made a specific comment regarding a scene in Apocalypto when a sudden solar eclipse occurred during one of many bloody human sacrifices. The camera pans up to the sky showing the eclipse, then pans down and zooms in to the “bewildered” faces of people. Carlos quickly reminded me (really addressed to Mel) “the Maya have known of every solar (and lunar) event to the exact minute, 2000 years past, and 2000 years forward.”

At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

by Mitch Battros – ECM/ECTV
I wish I could tell you in a more direct manner, but due to the sensitive nature of unfolding events, I will have to speak in riddles and half sentences. But maybe you can read between the lines.
A project involving Hollywood is in the works. A movie which will tell a different story than the recent Mel Gibson “Apocalypto”. The involvement of “real” on-site Mayans will be involved. The story of the Mayan Calendar and its origins will be told. I have recently learned this project was actually in progress prior to Gibson’s release, but was put on hold until after Apocalypto’s run.
I wish I could tell you the actors who are lined up for this feature, but I am contracted not to. What I can say is it will be ‘top shelf’ performers who are passionate to get this story out. I am very excited to be a part of this venture and will disclose events as I am allowed.
There are other happenings in the works---
A World Concert for Peace is being discussed with some of the most successful and impactful musicians of the last 30 to 40 years. Santana and U2 have been mentioned along with a list of equally famed groups.

At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By SANDY COHEN, AP Entertainment Writer
Mel Gibson exchanged angry words with a university professor who challenged the accuracy of his film "Apocalypto" at an on-campus screening. Gibson was answering questions from the crowd at California State University, Northridge, Thursday night when Alicia Estrada, an assistant professor of Central American studies, accused the actor-director of misrepresenting the Mayan culture in the movie. Gibson directed an expletive at the woman, who was removed from the crowd.
"In no way was my question aggressive in the way that he responded to it," Estrada said. "These are questions that my peers, my colleagues, ask me every time I make a presentation. These are questions I pose to my students in the classroom."
Gibson's publicist, Alan Nierob, characterized the professor as "a heckler."
"The woman ... was rude and disruptive inasmuch as the event organizers had to escort her out," Nierob said.
Lauren Robeson, editor-in-chief of the campus newspaper, the Daily Sundial, said Gibson denounced Estrada as a troublemaker.
"It was a brief disruption to an otherwise interesting, stimulating event from our students' perspectives," said university spokesman John Chandler. "The students were very appreciative of Mr. Gibson being there."
The R-rated epic about the decline of Mayan civilization shows Mayan rulers slitting throats and beheading and ripping the beating hearts from the chests of their enemies.
Human sacrifice among the Mayans has been well-documented in recent years and is accepted as fact by most anthropologists, knocking down a previous theory that the culture did not take part in such bloody rituals.
However, there are some scholars and Indian activists who still believe the human sacrifice accounts are false or overblown, and an attempt by racist scientists to paint the culture as violent.
"This isn't the Mayan culture," Juan Tiney, leader of the National Indian and Farmer Committee, Guatemala's biggest Mayan organization, told the AP. "Although it might be part of it, there was also culture, economics, astronomical wealth and language. ... It discredits a people to present them in this manner."
Gibson "did his homework and consulted with world authorities on this matter," Nierob said.
"Apocalypto" has grossed more than $100 million worldwide, and it earned three Academy Award nominations.
Associated Press writers John Rogers in Los Angeles, Traci Carl in Mexico and Juan Carlos Llorca in Guatemala contributed to this report.

At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a dream about a locket found in a Mayan temple ruin and decided to research about Mayan prophecies. What was amazing is the correlation in the belief of Raj Yoga, a spiritual organisation in Mt Abu in India. They call themselves Bramha Kumars/Kumaris.

At 8:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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